Querido leitor

Adoro o universo gastronômico, descobrir novos sabores, cores, texturas, aromas que nos remete a nossa infância querida, provavelmente de onde vem todas as nossas preferências alimentares.
Então, decidi investigar, imergir neste delicioso mundo da gastronomia.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Bacalhau a Gomez de Sa' (my birthday lunch)

Bolo dos 41 ( my B'day cake)

Felling: cooked condensed milk with black plums
top: fresh coconut
Result: Heaven!

Esfihas da Mariliza (My mother's esfihas)

before and after
My mum makes the best Esfihas I have tried, one image is better than a thousand words...so I leave you with few...

sausage roll

esfiha and coalhada seca

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Welcome to "Barjao"- Bar do Joao (Joao's home)

In this bar you will find the best "Caipirinhas" in town!
passion fruit, kiwi, strawberry, watermelon, lime,grapes and so on...on the right, "Marcelo" our barman
 My dear friend Joao an exceptional host serves  the best snacks, sweets, pancakes and drinks, the most important item on the menu!!!
"Strawberries' Caipirinha"on the make...and passion fruit below

This is our singer /entertainer "Bedim"


Sunday, 18 April 2010

Genghis Khan Barbecue Monte Alto - SP

Yesterday, I was invited to an unusual barbecue called Genghis Khan method.
The meat is marinated in apple purée, ginger an soya sauce, vegetables are normally cooked in the same way.
The dish of Japanese cuisine called jingisukan (known in Brazil as " Genghis Khan ") is a type of barbecue. It was invented in Hokkaido , in northern Brazil. There used to mutton; jingisukan is actually the plate on which meat is prepared. It is well known in southern Brazil, mainly in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina. 
I've asked why is it named after G.K. ?
They told me,that's because of the resemblance of the famous Mongolian warrior helmet?! Not convinced?!
Well, that's another story...

Special Edition - Brazilian Holidays 2010

Brazilian gastronomy is very diverse, always reinventing itself , as the immigrants arrive, staring with the Portuguese 500 years ago. Here there is no prejudice and everybody is keen to try something new.
We must start with a breakfast, a traditional, will be in one of the many "Padarias"(Bakeries)  in Brazil.
The bread is always fresh, hot and delicious!just like a sexy young man, who in the slang of a few decades ago was a "pão" (bread).
Italian food is very common in Brazil, which experienced a major immigration from the peninsula, particularly to the state of São Paulo. Anyone who has been following Brazilian politics recently knows that no matter what the partisan disagreements may be on the surface, sooner or later everything will "acabar em pizza" (end up in pizza).Like a big Italian family, which may have loud and vociferous disagreements, but at the end of the day will sit down and eat at the same table, politicians in Brazil will eventually be sharing a pizza (after all, who doesn't like pizza?), even if they are from different parties.

In my adventure to the country side of Sao Paulo (state) where my family lives I will be trying many different dishes and reporting to you.
Bon appetit!