Querido leitor

Adoro o universo gastronômico, descobrir novos sabores, cores, texturas, aromas que nos remete a nossa infância querida, provavelmente de onde vem todas as nossas preferências alimentares.
Então, decidi investigar, imergir neste delicioso mundo da gastronomia.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Tomato varieties "Isle of Wight"

I've been to the Isle of Wight with the "Fifteen apprentices" where I work, to meet our suppliers. We went to see cherry fields, cheese production, live stock and tomatoes plants in massive green houses. I was surprised with so many varieties! I've seen "black tomatoes", long, sweet like a fruit, what they are, really.I love tomatoes and they are good for you! You can see some samples in the picture above.
  As well as plant types there are quite a number of different tomato fruit types. As a home grower, you can find many different – some weird and wonderful – varieties but the main types of fruit are listed below:
  • Standard – the ‘normal’ tomato, spherical in shape and around an inch to an inch and a half in diameter.
  • Cherry – just a small version of the normal tomato, often marble sized. Often from dwarf bush types.
  • Beefsteak – a large version of the normal tomato. Because of their large size, these tomato varieties take longer to mature and ripen so really do not do well except in a greenhouse.
  • Plum – the firm fleshed oval shaped fruit you find in Italian canned tomatoes. Tend to have been bred to store well as bottled (or canned) and they freeze well. (See Storing the Surplus)
  • Marmande – large irregular shaped tomatoes. Often very tasty.
  • Oxheart – cone shaped fruits, usually firm fleshed and good flavor.

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