Querido leitor

Adoro o universo gastronômico, descobrir novos sabores, cores, texturas, aromas que nos remete a nossa infância querida, provavelmente de onde vem todas as nossas preferências alimentares.
Então, decidi investigar, imergir neste delicioso mundo da gastronomia.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Tasty bugs and other delicacies...

This trend started few years ago, I guess, with celebrities eating strange things and  bugs in an Australian Jungle for a TV show, but today, visiting Selfridges (the biggest department store in Oxford Street, London) something called my attention, a shelf full of edible insects, bugs and odd things.

You can find there,many delicacies like this photo below : Thai Green curry Crickets.

Civet coffee, also know as Kopi Luwak, is the most expensive and coveted gourmet coffee in the world. But it comes from a very unusual source, the droppings of Asian Palm Civets, a cat like animal native to Indonesia.

Yes, that's right, Indonesian cat poo, £25 for 150 gr.

Monkey Picked Tea is a wonderfully refreshing brew that has been hand - or rather paw - picked by monkeys!

and Scorpion Vodka.
Isn't it delicious!
 photos by Fabio

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